Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Please read these regulations carefully and observe them at all times. All attendees are held responsible for the observance of these regulations. Masjid King Khalid adopts a low tolerance stance to individuals who plead unawareness. Thank you for your cooperation!
In order to maximize the spiritual and educational experiences of all attendees, Masjid King Khalid has set forth these regulations:
The prayer hall is for brothers and sisters. The area in the back is designated for sisters. Please respect the worship practices of Masjid King Khalid.
The building is handicap accessible via a ramp at the entrance of the building and an elevator. Contact the Board of Directors if you need assistance.
Do not block the hallways leading to the prayer hall, doorways, or the access ramps.
There is a designated Imam. Should the Imam be tardy, a grace period is requested. Backup Imams are designated by the masjid.
Public Services
Friday prayer services start at 1:00 PM. Timings for the five daily prayers change throughout the year and are announced ahead of time on Masjid King Khalid’s website. The call to prayer, referred to as the adhan in Arabic, will occur in accordance with the announced prayer schedule.
The Board of Directors must pre-approve all announcements, education programs, short talks, speeches, fundraising pitches, and other forms of public address. Only pre-approved individuals are allowed to give announcements.
Please do not remove any books from the masjid. Return all books, and other educational materials to its designated locations. Masjid King Khalid declines donations of all written materials, except with express written approval from the Board of Directors. If you need a personal copy of a book, contact a member of the Board of Directors.
For lost and found, please contact the Board of Directors. The Masjid King Khalid is not liable for any personal losses or damages.
Report all suspicious activities to the management. Masjid King Khalid appreciates anonymous tips on any infringements of the aforementioned regulations. Masjid King Khalid reserves the right to take all necessary steps against individuals who infringe upon these regulations.
Remove shoes before entering the prayer hall and place them on the shoe racks.
Please do not eat or drink in the prayer hall unless prior permission is given by a member of the Board of Directors.
Please be mindful of attendees and worshippers.
Technology Etiquette
Please observe cell phone etiquette in the prayer hall. Cell phones and electronics should be placed on “SILENT.” Cell phone conversations are not permitted in the prayer hall.
For event filming and photography, please contact the Board of Directors for an appointment.
All internet browsing on the wireless network should be appropriate for children and adults at all times. Individuals who view unacceptable materials online will be asked to leave.
At no time shall attendees bring TVs, VCRs, DVD players, game consoles, or any entertainment equipment into the Masjid King Khalid except with express permission from the management. The use of electronics is allowed with the following conditions:
Kids should not be allowed to use the wireless internet unless supervised by a parent in line with observance of all technology related ethics. The parent is responsible for any technology or internet usage by their children.
All internet usage must be used for appropriate and halal purposes. Visitations of music or inappropriate websites are not tolerated. Masjid King Khalid reserves the right to interpret the nature of “appropriate halal and purposes.”
Individuals who wish to use their laptops or audio players must use headphones at all times. The volume of the headphones must not exceed a 5-inch level where other attendees can hear.
Guest Sermons/Programs
The Board of Directors shall approve any guest speakers for sermons, lectures, or classes.
Email us at masjidkingkhalid@gmail.com if you are a visitor. All visitors should observe the same rules as required by all attendees of Masjid King Khalid. The masjid is open for visits at all prayer times. However, to schedule an appointment beforehand, please email us to help coordinate a time for your visit.
Vehicles should be parked between the two white lines of a parking space and not double-parked. For Friday prayers, we ask that nonstudents park on Blount Street.
Overnight parking is not allowed. Vehicles parked illegally or parked overnight without prior approval will be towed at the owner’s expense and may be reported to local police.
When visiting Masjid King Khalid attendees are required to wear modest Islamic clothing. All attendees must wear attire that reflects sensitivity and respect for this house of worship. The Board of Directors reserves the right to interpret the appropriateness of all attire.
Masjid King Khalid welcomes families to experience the masjid’s facilities. Parents at all times must supervise their children. All disruptive activities are prohibited. Masjid King Khalid does not assume any liability of you or your family while attending the masjid. Children must be kept quiet at all times. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the child and the parent from the prayer hall. If your child requires assistance, please exit the prayer hall immediately.
Please watch your kids at all times and do not put the management in the difficult position of enforcing disciplinary measures against disruptive children. Masjid King Khalid reserves the right to prosecute and charge families whose children have broken or damaged anything belonging to the masjid. Masjid King Khalid also reserves the right to prevent families or individuals from bringing disruptive children in the future.
Behavior and Courtesy
All attendees are held to the highest standards of respectful conduct. Physical or verbal abuse of any attendee at Masjid King Khalid is strictly forbidden. Attendees found in violation of this will be asked by authorized representatives to comply with the Code of Conduct. If the attendee refuses to comply, authorized representatives shall ask the disruptive attendee to leave the premise. Repeat violators of the Code of Conduct are subject to being banned from Masjid King Khalid.
Please keep conversations to a minimum inside the prayer hall. All electronics and cell phones must be placed on silent at all times. Repeated violation of this rule is not only a flagrant disrespect for Masjid King Khalid but will incur disciplinary measures.
The prayers hall is designated for prayers, supplication, lectures and Masjid King Khalid sponsored events. At no time shall the prayer hall be the locus for religious debate and argumentation. Masjid King Khalid adopts a zero-tolerance towards the desecration of the prayer halls with debate and argumentation on religious, personal, or political topics.
Equipment & Facilities
Exercise care when you use any equipment, facility or items belonging to the masjid. All properties and items belonging to Masjid King Khalid should not be moved or removed from the masjid. Destruction or malfunction of items and equipment is the responsibility of the user.
The management has a right to demand payment to replace the item and will contact local authorities if necessary. Do not tamper with any equipment of the masjid. This includes, but is not limited to the lighting facilities, microphone equipment, locks, doors, furniture etc.
Distributing, Selling, or Donation Collection
No individual is allowed to distribute or sell on the premises of Masjid King Khalid, which includes the parking lot, unless approved by the Board of Directors. Masjid King Khalid does not allow individuals to distribute anything without the express permission of the management. This includes, but is not limited to the selling or the distribution of paraphernalia, literature, pamphlets, flyers, books, brochures, advertisement ads, goods, food, etc.
All donation collection efforts on the masjid’s premises must be pre-authorized by the Board of Directors. Any unauthorized donation collection boxes will be promptly removed. All funds collected on the masjid’s premises must be processed by designated officials.
Overnight Stay
Masjid King Khalid does not allow any individual or group to stay overnight inside or outside of the masjid without the explicit approval of the Board of Directors. All relevant rules and regulations apply.
Food and Beverages
Masjid King Khalid does not allow food and beverages to be brought from the outside without prior arrangements and approval of the Board of Directors.
Smoking of all types is banned on the premises. This includes the parking lot.
Safety Standards
Masjid King Khalid meets all fire codes and other safety standards approved by the Fire Marshal, city and state regulations. All events held at the masjid must in line with the city and fire department regulations, as well as reflect the policies hereby stated in this document.
Weapons Policy
Weapons and ammunition are safety hazards. No weapons are permitted at any time. All violations of this will be reported to the police immediately without exception.
Illegal Activity
Any illegal activity by any individual or group will be reported immediately to law enforcement. Any unknown or unattended packages will be removed from Masjid King Khalid or turned over to law enforcement if necessary. No personal items should be left outside or inside the masjid.
Food Safety
While Masjid King Khalid does offer refreshments to attendees from time to time, all individuals are requested to be responsible and aware of the food content offered. If you are allergic to any food or chemicals, please notify management. Masjid King Khalid will make sure that your safety is first addressed. Masjid King Khalid is not responsible for any medical related allergies or accidents resulting from the negligence of attendees.
In the event where food is offered or sold at Masjid King Khalid, vendors must furnish adequate information to prevent food allergies. Failure to do so will result in the revoking of the vendor’s license. Masjid King Khalid is not liable for the food sold by any vendors.