ARTICLE I: General Provisions
Section 1.01 – Definitions.
A. Abbreviations
i. SWT – “Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala” which translates to “Glorified and Exalted is He”.
ii. SAW – “Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Salaam” which translates to “May Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him”.
iii. PBUH – “Peace be upon him”.
B. Arabic Terms
i. Masjid – a Muslim place of worship, also referred to as a mosque.
ii. Allah (SWT) – God
iii. Qur’an - the revelation and word of Allah (SWT) dictated to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
iv. Sunnah - the traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that constitute a model for Muslims to follow.
v. Shari’ah - a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition.
vi. Fiqh – a discussion of the legal regulations of Islam along with their specific evidence.
vii. Ahl As-Sunnah Wa Jamaa’ah - adherents of Sunni Islam.
viii. Imam – an Islamic leadership position involving the leading of prayers amongst a congregation of Muslims.
ix. Eid al-Fitr – Islamic holiday commemorating the end of the holy month of Ramadan.
x. Eid al-Adha - Islamic holiday honoring the willingness of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) to sacrifice his son, as an act of obedience to the command of Allah (SWT).
Section 2.01. These are the Bylaws of the above-named a nonprofit religious corporation formally titled THE MOSQUE of the LATE KING KHALID BIN ABDUL-AZIZ AL-SAUD, INCORPORATED, hereinafter, referred to as “Masjid King Khalid”. Masjid King Khalid is a nonprofit organization organized pursuant to the laws of the State of North Carolina to carry on in corporate form the mission, program, and other activities of the Islamic faith and community.
Section 3.01. The principal North Carolina physical office of Masjid King Khalid shall be located in Wake County at 130 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601, or at such other place as the Board of Trustees shall lawfully determine as needed.
Section 3.02. The registered agent for Masjid King Khalid shall be that person who holds the position of Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The official business mailing address of said registered agent shall be as follows: Masjid King Khalid, PO Box 14993, Raleigh, North Carolina 27620.
Section 4.01 – Mission Statement. Masjid King Khalid is an Islamic community proclaiming in word and deed the universal message of Al-Islam, that there is but one God, Allah (SWT), and one human family. Masjid King Khalid and its members are committed to establishing a balanced community life in its broadest sense, witnessing the eternal wisdom of the words of Allah (SWT) and the life exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Masjid King Khalid and its members will cultivate the patterned growth of human excellence and good character through building valuable relationships with all God-conscious people.
Section 4.02 – Vision Statement. Masjid King Khalid’s vision is to be a model Islamic community in the broadest sense, adhering to the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah as interpreted by Ahl As-Sunnah Wa Jamaa’ah. It is a community that is balanced, witnessed by all people, and that Allah (SWT) approves of and supports.
Section 5.01. The purpose for which Masjid King Khalid is organized shall include the following:
A. To provide an organizational structure to engage in, support and promote the religious beliefs and practices of Al-Islam through moral, educational, cultural and economic development of Muslims;
B. To establish and maintain Masjid King Khalid and other places of worship and prayer in accordance with the Islamic faith, consistent with the beliefs and practices of Qur’an and Sunnah (traditions) of Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (SAW), the Prophet (SAW) to whom the Holy Qur'an was revealed over 1,400 years ago;
C. To establish and maintain an educational system for teaching the Qur’an, Sunnah, Shari’ah, Fiqh, and the Arabic Language (being the language of the Qur’an);
D. To propagate Islamic interest in a way that honorably compliments the tenets of the Faith and thus invites others to Islam;
E. To support and promote other individuals and Muslim communities that work for the same cause as part of the international community of Muslims;
F. To solicit and otherwise acquire capital to further the purposes of Masjid King Khalid; and
G. To acquire real and personal assets, and to hold, invest and/or reinvest those assets or, in the case of securities, the accompanying income consistent with the purposes of Masjid King Khalid.
Section 6.01 – Class of Members. There shall only be one class of members. These members are voting members, each of which is entitled to only one vote per election.
Section 6.02 – Eligibility. All persons who meet the following qualifications are eligible to be a member of the Masjid King Khalid, regardless of the person’s race, color, national origin, or sex.
Section 6.03 – Qualifications. All individuals shall meet the following qualifications as a prerequisite to becoming a member of Masjid King Khalid and as a condition precedent to the continuation of said membership:
A. Must be a Muslim. One who has openly stated before witnesses:
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
“I bear witness that there is no god but Allah (SWT) and I bear witness that Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah (SWT)."
This person must also practice the religion of Al-Islam based on the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW).
B. Must accept to believe and carry into practice the fundamental principles of Al-Islam which are the Six (6) Articles of Faith and the Five (5) Pillars of Al-Islam as enumerated below:
i. Articles of Faith
1. To believe in the Unity and Oneness of Allah.
2. To believe in Allah's Angels who uphold the forces of nature throughout creation.
3. To believe in all the Prophets sent by Allah to humanity, making no distinction between them. To also accept the fact that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (SAW), the Prophet to whom the Qur'an was revealed, is the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah to us all. We accept Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as our leader and example whom we obey and follow.
4. To believe in the sacred books of scripture that Allah has revealed to His Prophets and to recognize that the Holy Qur'an contains the wisdom of the sacred books that were revealed before it, and we are to question all books under the light of what is revealed in the Holy Qur'an
5. To believe in the Divine Pre-Ordinance; that Allah has a law operating throughout Creation, and in every phase of our lives, to give us the benefits of our good deeds and the consequences of our bad ones. The belief that we cannot escape the Justice of Allah.
6. To believe in the Day of Resurrection, also known as Judgment Day, or life after death.
ii. Pillars of Al-Islam
1. To bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad (SAW) is His Servant and His Messenger.
2. To pray five times a day the way the Prophet (SAW) prayed.
3. To pay charity, known as Zakat in Arabic.
4. To fast during the month of Ramadan (ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar).
5. To perform the pilgrimage known as Hajj to Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, at least once in the lifetime of a Muslim who is physically and financially able.
C. Must be of at least the age of 18 years old.
Section 6.04 – Membership. All individuals meeting the criteria listed in § 6.03 of these Bylaws shall be entitled to a membership in Masjid King Khalid. An individual may exercise this right to membership in Masjid King Khalid by submitting a digital registration form at www.masjidkingkhalid.org or hardcopy registration form in person to a member of the Board of Trustees or Board of Directors.
Section 6.05 – Voting Rights. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, all business transacted at any regular or special meeting shall be by majority (51%) vote of those members who voted.
A. All members shall have the following voting rights:
i. The right to elect officers of the Board of Directors through a vote of confidence and/or nomination by general membership.
ii. The right to attend any regular or special meetings of the members and to vote on any issues designated by the Board of Directors on the agenda of such meetings.
Section 6.05 – Responsibility of Membership. In order to maintain membership in Masjid King Khalid, each member is must, at a minimum: (i) conduct himself/herself in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) and (ii) continue to accept the beliefs and practices of Al-Islam as enumerated in § 6.03(B).
Section 6.06 – Resignation. A member may formally resign from affiliation with Masjid King Khalid by filing a written resignation to the Board of Directors via email. Resignations are considered formally processed upon receipt by the Board of Directors.
Section 6.07 – Termination. The Board of Directors may terminate an individual’s membership to Masjid King Khalid if good cause is shown. Termination must occur by means of a majority vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors.
Section 6.08 – Transfer of Membership. Membership in Masjid King Khalid is non-transferable and non-assignable.
Section 7.01. The Board of Trustees is the supreme decision-making body of Masjid King Khalid. It shall consist of four (4) members, one of whom shall serve as the Chairperson of the board. The inaugural Board of Trustees is comprised of those individuals listed below:
Chairperson/Trustee: Nigel Alexander Edwards
Trustee: Zainab Abdul-Qaabidh
Trustee: Imam Juma Mussa
Trustee: Assistant Imam Musa Jabbi
Section 7.02 – Qualifications of Trustees and Chairperson. To be eligible to be a Trustee, an individual must meet the following minimum standards:
A. Must be a male or female Muslim of sound Islamic character and of good moral piety, known as taqwah in Arabic;
B. Must be a registered member of Masjid King Khalid;
C. Must be willing and able to assume the responsibility for leadership and administration of duties on behalf of Masjid King Khalid;
D. Must be of sound mind and medically fit to perform duties;
E. With the exception of the inaugural Board of Trustees, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall be the Trustee who has been a member of Masjid King Khalid for the longest period of time.
Section 7.03 – Duties and Responsibilities. The Board of Trustees, and each member thereof, has the duty and responsibility to:
A. Ensure that Masjid King Khalid stays true to its mission and vision statements;
B. Serve as principal liaison between Masjid King Khalid and the administration of Shaw University and its agents;
C. Make decisions pertaining to the relationship between Masjid King Khalid and Shaw University;
D. Advise the Board of Directors as needed;
E. Hold elections for the Board of Directors;
F. Represent Masjid King Khalid in any third-party dealings of its choosing;
G. Conduct impeachment proceedings of the Board of Directors;
H. Act as the main spokespeople for Masjid King Khalid; and
I. Appoint individuals to act as interim members of the Board of Directors for the period of time between appointment and formal elections.
Section 7.04 – Term of Office. An individual that is a member of the Board of Trustees (hereinafter, a “Trustee” and, collectively, the “Trustees”) shall hold their office during good behavior or until such time as he or she can no longer fulfill the obligations of that office.
Section 7.05 – Resignation. A Trustee may voluntarily resign from the Board of Trustees in writing. Written resignations are irrevocable and may be delivered in person to the other Trustees or via mail, courier service, or email. A Trustee that resigns may remain a member of Masjid King Khalid but is ineligible to serve in the future on the Board of Trustees or be a Voting Director of Board of Directors.
Section 7.06 – Departure due to Medical Reasons. A Trustee’s departure from the Board of Trustees may occur due to death or other medical impairments. In the event that a Trustee is presumed to be medically unfit to occupy his or her position, his or her departure may be triggered by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
Section 7.07 – Departure of One Trustee. In the event of one Trustee’s departure, each remaining Trustee may nominate a successor from amongst the existing Masjid King Khalid general body members. Trustees shall vote on the nominees using the tournament-style counting variation of the Borda count method. If a three-way tie occurs following three consecutive votes, the Chairperson may select the successor from amongst the nominees. If the Chairperson was the departing Trustee, the Trustee who has been a member of Masjid King Khalid for the longest period of time may select the successor from amongst the nominees. If a two-way tie occurs, a simple runoff shall occur to elect the successor.
Section 7.08 – Departure of Two Trustees. If two Trustees depart the Board of Trustees in or around the same period of time, the remaining two Trustees must each nominate two replacements from amongst the existing Masjid King Khalid general body members. Voting on the nominees shall occur using the tournament-style counting variation of the Borda count method. The two nominees with the most votes will become members of the Board of Trustees. If a tie occurs following three consecutive votes, the Chairperson may first select one successor from amongst the nominees. The other remaining Trustee may then select the final successor. If the Chairperson was amongst the departing Trustees, the Trustee who has been a member of Masjid King Khalid for the longest period of time may first select one successor from amongst the nominees. The other remaining Trustee may then select the final successor.
Section 7.09 – Departure of Three Trustees. If three Trustees depart the Board of Trustees in or around the same period of time, the remaining Trustee may appoint their successors from amongst the existing Masjid King Khalid general body members.
Section 7.10 – Departure of All Four Trustees. If all four Trustees depart the Board of Trustees in or around the same period of time, the highest-ranking member of the Board of Directors will automatically become a Trustee and then appoint the other three Trustees from amongst the existing Masjid King Khalid general body members.
Section 7.11 – Impeachment. A Trustee may be impeached for good cause by majority vote of the other three Trustees. A Trustee that is removed from the Board of Trustees via impeachment may remain a member of Masjid King Khalid but is ineligible to serve in the future on the Board of Trustees or Board of Directors.
Upon termination from the Board of Trustees, the remaining Trustees must nominate and approve the appointment of the successor in accordance with § 7.07.
Section 7.12 – Tiebreaker. In the event of any deadlocked vote, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will act as the official tiebreaker.
Section 7.13 – Election to the Board of Directors. Trustees are prohibited from running in elections for President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer.
Section 7.14 – Disbandment of the Board of Directors. If the Board of Trustees believes that the Board of Directors has significantly diverted from Masjid King Khalid’s mission and vision statements, they may disband the Board of Directors by means of a unanimous vote. Following the disbandment, the Trustees may assume the roles of the Board of Directors until special elections can be held for the new Board of Directors.
Section 8.01. The Board of Directors of Masjid King Khalid shall consist of, at a minimum, four (4) elected members. At all times, the Board of Directors should maintain the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer (collectively, the “Voting Directors”). The Board of Directors may appoint additional members to the Board of Directors as desired; but all additional appointments will be non-voting members of the Board of Directors. The Voting Directors are the only voting members of the Board of Directors.
Section 8.02 – Qualifications. To occupy a position on the Board of Directors, an individual must meet the following minimum standards:
A. Must be a male or female Muslim of sound Islamic character and of good moral piety, known as taqwah in Arabic;
B. Must be a registered member of Masjid King Khalid;
C. Must be willing and able to assume the responsibility for leadership and administration of duties on behalf of Masjid King Khalid;
D. Must be of sound mind and medically fit to perform duties;
Section 8.03 – General Duties and Responsibilities. The Board of Directors, and each member thereof, has the duty and responsibility to:
A. Run day-to-day operations of Masjid King Khalid in accordance with these Bylaws;
B. Foster a spiritual connection to Masjid King Khalid by means of worship on the premises at least once a month;
C. Create and oversee committees to achieve Masjid King Khalid’s goals;
D. Appoint committee chairs; and
E. In case of ambiguity or conflict, interpret the Bylaws.
All position-specific responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors can be found in the following sections.
Section 8.04 – President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of Masjid King Khalid. The President is the highest-ranking member of the Board of Directors. The President shall have the duty and responsibility to:
A. Act as general administrator and overseer of all Masjid King Khalid activities and financial matters;
B. Establish and maintain a business office for Masjid King Khalid that is (i) at a central location and (ii) open for business during normal business hours;
C. Implement, through committees, special appointments, and other lawful means, the principal function of Masjid King Khalid;
D. Direct and coordinate activities of all committees so as to achieve the aims and purposes of Masjid King Khalid;
E. Call and preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Body;
F. Provide an oral and/or written report on activities, budget, finances, and programs of Masjid King Khalid to the appropriate committee or committee chairperson at least once a month;
G. Report on the status of Masjid King Khalid annually; and
Section 8.05 – Vice President. The Vice President is the second highest-ranking member of the Board of Directors. The Vice President shall have the duty and responsibility to:
A. Assist the President in directing and coordinating activities of all committees so as to achieve the aims and purposes of Masjid King Khalid; and
B. Assume the responsibilities of the Vice President in the event of his or her absence.
Section 8.06 – Secretary. The Secretary is the third highest-ranking member of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall have the duty and responsibility to:
A. Safeguard and protect all records and information of pertaining to Masjid King Khalid;
B. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the Board of Directors and the general body;
C. Keep Masjid King Khalid registered and compliant with state laws;
D. Keep minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the general body and present the minutes of previous meetings for approval;
E. Keep and maintain a catalog of the signed minutes;
F. Issue notices of the time and place of meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors; and
G. Safeguard the Masjid King Khalid’s corporate seal and attest this upon all instruments executed under the seal.
Section 8.07 – Treasurer. The Treasurer is the fourth highest-ranking member of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer has the duty and responsibility to:
A. Have care, custody of, and cause to keep an account of all the funds of Masjid King Khalid;
B. Keep an adequate accounting of all funds received and disbursed from the account of Masjid King Khalid;
C. Maintain the books and records in such a manner as to readily show the financial condition of Masjid King Khalid and leave them open at all reasonable times for inspection by the Board of Directors; and
D. Oversee committee members in the preparation of a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and in the submission of such budget to the membership at the Annual Meeting prior to the start of the fiscal year.
Section 8.08 – Term of Office. Voting Directors shall hold their office for a term of two years. With the exception of the Resident and Assistant Imams, term expirations of non-voting members of the Board of Directors shall coincide with those of voting of Voting Directors. However, the renewal of non-voting members’ terms can be approved by the incoming Board of Directors.
Section 8.09 – Resignation. A member of the Board of Directors may voluntarily resign from the Board of Directors. Resignations must be written and delivered via mail, courier service, or email. A Director that resigns may remain a member of Masjid King Khalid.
Section 8.10 – Impeachment. A member of the Board of Directors may be impeached by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees due to (i) persistent and/or gross violations of Islamic principles, (ii) failure to meet qualifications under § 8.02, or (iii) gross negligence of duty. A member of Board of Directors that is removed via impeachment may remain a member of Masjid King Khalid but is ineligible to serve in the future on the Board of Trustees or Board of Directors.
Section 8.11 – Tiebreaker. In the event of a deadlocked vote among the Board of Directors, the President will act as the official tiebreaker.
Section 9.01. As the situation presents itself, the Board of Directors shall select a qualified Imam for employment at Masjid King Khalid, henceforth referred to as the “Resident Imam.”
Section 9.02 – Qualifications. To be eligible to hold the position of Resident Imam, an individual must meet the following minimum standards:
A. Must be a male Muslim of sound Islamic character, preferably married, and of good moral piety, known as taqwah in Arabic;
B. Must have a formal Islamic education and/or equivalent experience and knowledge in the position of Imam;
C. Must be knowledgeable by way of education of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and educated in the application of Fiqh;
D. Must be of sound mind and medically fit to perform duties;
E. Must have ability to speak, read, and write both English and Arabic languages; and
F. Must be willing and able to assume the responsibility for leadership and administration of duties on behalf of Masjid King Khalid.
Section 9.03 – Duties and Responsibilities. The Resident Imam has the duty and responsibility to:
A. Teach and propagate Al-Islam through word and deed publicly;
B. Lead daily prayers, deliver sermons, conduct Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha services, perform marriages, and oversee funeral rites;
C. Direct educational initiatives of Masjid King Khalid;
D. Conduct Islamic studies classes for the general membership
E. Coordinate orientation programs for new converts to Al-Islam;
F. Act as administrator and overseer of all religious and Islamic legal affairs including, but not limited to marriage counseling, crisis management, and conflict mediation;
G. Establish operational hours for the office of the Resident Imam;
H. Run a center for the peaceful educational propagation of Islam;
I. Provide oral and/or written reports to the Board of Directors;
J. Serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors to ensure that all its activities are in compliance with the principles and regulations of Al-Islam;
K. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 9.04 – Term of Office. The Resident Imam shall hold office as long as he is in good health, living a sound Muslim life, performing well in the capacity of an Imam, has the confidence of the Muslim community, or until such time as he can no longer fulfill the obligations of that office.
Section 9.05 – Removal. The Resident Imam is employed at will and can be removed at the option of the Board of Directors.
Section 9.06 – Participation in Multiple Boards. The Resident Imam is allowed to be a member of both the Board of Trustees and a non-voting member of the Board of Directors simultaneously.
Section 10.01. As the situation presents itself, the Board shall select a qualified person for employment as an assistant to the Resident Imam at Masjid King Khalid, henceforth referred to as the “Assistant Imam.”
Section 10.02 – Qualifications. To be eligible to hold the position of Assistant Imam, an individual must meet the following minimum standards:
A. Must be a male Muslim of sound Islamic character, preferably married, and of good moral piety, known as taqwah in Arabic;
B. Must have a formal Islamic education and/or equivalent experience and knowledge in the position of Imam;
C. Must be knowledgeable by way of education of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and educated in the application of Fiqh;
D. Must be of sound mind and medically fit to perform duties;
E. Must have ability to speak, read, and write both English and Arabic languages; and
F. Must be willing and able to assume the responsibility for leadership and administration of duties on behalf of Masjid King Khalid.
Section 10.03 – Duties and Responsibilities. The Assistant Imam has the duty and responsibility to:
A. Serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors to ensure that all its activities are in compliance with the principles and regulations of Al-Islam;
B. Assist the Resident Imam with duties and responsibilities mentioned in § 9.03; and
C. Assume the duties and responsibilities of the Resident Imam in his absence.
Section 10.04 – Term of Office. The Assistant Imam shall hold office as long as he is in good health, living a sound Muslim life, performing well in the capacity of an Imam, has the confidence of the Muslim community, or until such time as he can no longer fulfill the obligations of that office.
Section 10.05 – Removal. The Assistant Imam is employed at will and can be removed at the option of the Board of Directors.
Section 10.06 – Participation in Multiple Boards. The Assistant Imam is allowed to be a member of both the Board of Trustees and a non-voting member of the Board of Directors simultaneously.
Section 11.01 – General Body Meetings. General Body Meetings of Masjid King Khalid shall be held at an agreed upon time by the Board of Directors at the principal office/meeting place of Masjid King Khalid, or at any other place determined by decision of the Board of Directors. The agenda shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 11.02 – Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Masjid King Khalid membership for any purpose(s) may be called at any time by the Chairperson or the President.
Section 11.03 – Annual Meeting of Members. The Annual Meeting of members shall be held at an agreed upon time by the Board of Directors at the principal office/meeting place of Masjid King Khalid, or at any other place determined by decision of the Board of Directors. The agenda for the annual meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 12.01 – Revenues. Masjid King Khalid is a nonprofit religious organization and shall be financed by membership dues, grants, donations, and other financial contributions. The Board of Directors may accept any donation or contribution in any form and from any source as long as it (i) is consistent with the principles of Islam and purposes of Masjid King Khalid and (ii) does not violate any State or Federal Laws. All funds collected or donated for a specific cause or project shall be used for that cause or project unless specifically released by the donor(s).
Section 12.02 – Authorization. Any expenditure outside of the approved regular budget or approved supplemental budget must receive prior approval by the Board of Directors.
Section 12.03 –Depository. All funds of the Masjid shall be deposited in a bank account in the official name of the Masjid King Khalid or in such depository as the Board of Directors shall designate.
Section 12.04 – Signatures on Negotiable Instruments. All negotiable instruments of Masjid King Khalid shall be signed by a member of the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees.
Section 12.05 – Petty Cash Fund. The Treasurer may be authorized to maintain up to Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in a petty cash fund to be used for miscellaneous expenditures, provided, however, that the Treasurer shall keep detailed receipts of all disbursements from such fund.
Section 12.06 – Compensation.
A. With the exception of the Resident and Assistant Imams, members shall receive no compensation for their services on the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors. Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees may, however, be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out particular projects or programs approved by the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees. Receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer in order for reimbursements to be issued. Such expenses must have approval in advance by either the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees.
B. Members not on the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services, except for professional services rendered pursuant to a contractual agreement. Members may, however, be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out authorized projects or programs upon submission of receipts to the Treasurer. Such expenses must have approval in advance by either the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees.
C. The Board of Directors is authorized to distribute charity, referred to as sadaqah in Arabic, based upon special financial need. The procedure for receiving sadaqah shall be established by the Board of Directors and operated by its relevant committees in accordance with Islamic traditions. Sadaqah shall be approved by the Board of Directors prior to it being distributed. Current members of the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees are ineligible to receive sadaqah from Masjid King Khalid.
Section 12.07 – Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of Masjid King Khalid shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
Section 13.01. Subject to any provision of law applicable to the amendment of Bylaws of religious, non-profit corporations, these Bylaws may be altered, amended or replaced by three-fourths majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
These Bylaws are adopted by resolution of the Masjid King Khalid’s Board of Trustees on this 1st day of November 2023.